FiXi Updates: Player Registration Improvements

As of the 20th of January, users will notice some big and exciting changes to the FiXi sport management system. These are designed to enhance and streamline the user experience, while lifting the weight off the shoulders of competition operators and team captains.
One of the most important updates, and the one the will perhaps prove to be the greatest saver of time and effort for organisers, is the improved player registration system.
What has changed, and how will these changes help? Let’s take a look.
Handing responsibility to the players
Why should organisers be left with all the work? Why can’t the players do it themselves? These were the most pressing questions asked by time-poor admins and captains who already had enough on their plates. So we looked to develop a solution.
The latest FiXi update passes much of the responsibility for player registration from organisers onto the players themselves. Admins and team captains can now simply send an invitation to join directly to the players, and that is where their player registration work begins and ends.
Players are then asked to log in via a unique link, where they enter their details, pay their fees via credit card (if the organisers have chosen to tick that particular box), and complete the registration process.
You’ll no longer have to key in a whole team or league’s-worth of personal information, or sort out the confusing financials of registration fees – all data is keyed in and payments made by the individual players, through the FiXi system.
The perks
The benefits of handing the responsibility for registration onto the players extends far beyond organiser workload.
This FiXi update also offers:
- Greater data accuracy: As an organiser keying in an entire team’s worth of personal information, there was the temptation to copy and paste inaccurate information into required fields to make the process quicker – did anyone else have an entire team born on 01/01/1900? By passing the responsibility onto the players, and choosing the fields you see as required information, you’ll enjoy more accurate, more reliable data.
- Upgraded data privacy: There’s now no need for an entire team to hand all of their personal information to one individual to key in. The secure FiXi system ensures all the necessary information is collected, while maintaining privacy. Things like phone numbers, home addresses and birth dates will only ever be seen by those with clearance to see them.
- Ability to collect payment direct from the individual: Dealing in cash inevitably means balancing confusing books, or ticking names off a worn piece of paper. But with FiXi now integrating cashless player fees into the registration process, your days of stuffing fivers into an old jar are behind you.
Making admin easy
Player registrations aside, the new FiXi system brings a wealth of other neat features designed to streamline the unavoidable admin that organisers face.
In the new update you’ll:
- Set the rules of registration in one click: Choose for players to pay during their registration or in person at the venue, and set these rules for an entire league in one click – simple, secure and consistent.
- Choose the cut-off point for player registrations: A week before the season starts? On opening night? At the end of the season? It’s up to you!
- Choose the data to collect: Select the fields that every player is required to fill during registration, and ensure you’ve got all the data you need.
- Enjoy a centralised payment hub: Not only has the process of taking payments been made far easier, but every payment is now conveniently displayed in a centralised location in FiXi. No more thrown together spreadsheets, or payments recorded (and lost) on pieces of scrap paper – you can instantly see who has paid, who has not, and where your financials stand.
Getting Started
To get started please watch our overview video:
Want to know more?
Updates will be active from the 20th of January, and will seriously improve your FiXi experience. If you want to know a little more about the nitty-gritty of how each of these upgrades function, email our support desk!