Update Released 15-05-2024 v2.992

Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • CM-1106 Fixed bug where finals series were being published online automatically.
  • CM-1107 The URL for the Sportfix iframe was not working. It has now been resolved by changing the link to https.
  • CM-1108 Fixed performance issue when creating a fixture.
  • CM-1112 Fixed issue with the duplicate customer service.
  • SPOR-243 Fixed bug where the iphone app was crashing when a comp had a skipped round.
  • SPOR-248 Fixed sportfix iframe so that it works with all modern browsers.


  • CM-1079 Improved performance of the customer details page when there are lots of team affiliations.
  • CM-1111 Added the ability to specify an Active Kids activity per registration rule.
  • SPOR-240 Released new mobile app.
  • SPOR-242 Resolved issue where the mobile app was not working on android version 14.
  • SPOR-250 Integrated new Active Kids Voucher program into the Sportfix registration process.