New Dashboard

A new update to FiXi was released today (13-Aug-2014) which includes a new dashboard amongst other things. This new dashboard simplifies what is going on at your venue and gives you a quick glimpse of what is important and what is happening for today.
The first thing you will immediately notice is that we have removed the two large charts. Don’t worry these are still available under the administration tab. We felt as though this isn’t something you are interested in seeing every time you log in and it’s more like a report you can analyse periodically. These reports took up loads of space so removing them gave us more canvas to show you more important data.
Without a doubt the biggest thing introduced within this update is the duplicate customer finder (if you haven’t read the post please do). With the release of this functionality we thought it was critical that you could see any newly identified potential duplicate customers – so we display a table of the top 5 and a badge at the top of total amount of duplicates.
We are still continuing to expand on the functionality available for online registrations using SportFix. If you are not already using online registrations we strongly urge you to check it out. When registrations start coming in it’s easy to forget about them and don’t action or communicate with your new customers. So front and centre you can now see how many online team registrations you are yet to allocate into a competition.
Still available is the matches that you have on for the day down the right side. No changes there.
We hope you like the changes and if you have any feedback please let us know by posting a comment below or dropping us an email to