Release Notes

Over the past twelve months we have been doing incremental updates to FiXi & the broader SportFix platform. We have been working hard to ensure FiXi remains the most intuitive competition management solutions on the market. This release includes:
- Recurring bookings implementation has been altered to increase performance by 76%
- Fixed: Users received access denied message when loading FiXi
- Forget password email content enhancements
- When you make changes to the fixture users are prompted to sync to web
- New Casual Booking interface enhancements
- Events – ability to search by title
- Fixed: some users could not update credit card
- Ability to change your password
- Enhancements to forget password function to provide more accurate errors
- Order of competitions is now alphabetical
- Email address is now username
There are some major updates to be released over the coming months. As always we appreciate your feedback so please let us know on our uservoice site.
#version 2.6