Some Small updates

We have just released an update to FiXi & SportFix including some handy little features.
Custom Field For Online Registrations
Now you can ask any question you like to your members when they register online, for example, How did you hear about us? This is configured through the event edit screen in the online registrations section.
Minimum Age for Online Registrations
Now you can ensure all registrants meet the minimum age requirements, for example, you can specify that you must be less than 11 years on before 1/1/2014 to play in this competition. This is configured through the event edit screen in the online registrations section.
Missed Registrations
You can now see registrations that were not completed or submitted. This is to allow you to see who is starting filling out the registration form but not finished it off, giving you the opportunity to contact them to see if they are still interested in playing and finding out why they didn’t proceed with submission. To access this report go to Online Registrations within FiXi and click ‘Missed Registrations’ button.
Finals Matches In SportFix Apps
Finals matches are now displayed on both iOS & Android devices. There is nothing more you need to do here except ensure your fixtures are sync’d.