SportFix – what is it?

For a long time you have been requesting the ability to take registrations for your competitions online, allowing you to collect your customers contact information and take an initial payment to confirm their entry. At FiXi we knew we needed to offer online registrations but we needed to make it as simple as possible with as little administration overheads as possible (just like FiXi) but we were unsure how we would tackle it. In addition to online registrations we also knew we had clients that didn’t have a website but still wanted their players to find their contact details and allow for their customers to find their competition match times and results (similar to embed option). Over the recent times we have also began to develop up a new brand called ‘SportFix’ which is currently our mobile apps for Apple & Android allowing you to communicate to your customers & players. Therefore we wanted to ensure any new communication tools with players was using a consistent brand.
The Big News
Well today I am happy to announce that we have released its first browser version of SportFix which allows FiXi clients to have their own profile on SportFix creating a unique friendly URL. Each centre can have their very own profile allowing them to show their centres details such as contact information, logo & Google map. Players will also be able view all fixtures, ladders & results that you sync to the web from here. In addition, your customers will be able to register online through SportFix – collecting team and player contact information along with a nominal registration fee. Fees collected will be deposited directly into your PayPal account provided (other payment options will be available soon). Here’s the good part, all the data collected will be directly available to you from your FiXi login so you can immediately allocate this new team into your competition and begin generating your fixtures. No more retyping out registration forms or copy pasting from another system and no more data entry errors! Its seamless, just create a new event, wait for the registrations to flood in and allocate them when you’re ready. If a registration has taken money you can also define how you want this payment allocated in FiXi i.e. Team Registration, Season Registration or First Round Payment.
Check the overview video for getting started.
Getting Started
To get started all you need to do is log into FiXi and go into settings, click the ‘SportFix’ tab and select enable for ‘List My Centre on’ option and save changes. This will then generate a profile URL for you, clicking on that will load up your profile. You can use this URL in marketing material or link to it from your existing website.
To enable online registrations go back into the settings area and click the SportFix tab and enable ‘Allow Online Registrations’. You will now be required to enter a valid PayPal email address (this is where registration payment funds will go) and save changes. Once you have enabled online registrations you will see a new option in the menu appear under the Competitions tab called ‘Online Registrations’. Within this area you can create new ‘Events’ specifying a title, registration open date, registration close date and registration fee. These ‘Events’ will then be displayed within your SportFix profile for customers to register into. Checkout the overview video for quick overview of the online registration online registration process.
What’s Next?
This is our first release of SportFix for the web browser but we have big plans for the brand and it will continue to grow over the coming months. Very soon customers will be able to find a local centre to play sport, more stats will be available for competitions such as player names & game stats (e.g. goals scored) and centres will be able to upload photos and provide more details about their centre and the services they offer.
Please note that we will continue to offer the current embed functionality for your own websites and recent updates SportFix have had no impact on its functionality.
If you have any queries please email us at Stay tunned for more updates on SportFix.