Update Released 06-08-2021 v2.987

Release Notes
Bug Fixes
- [CM-563] The “only print eligible players” checkbox for custom score sheets does not work i.e. it includes all players for finals even if they haven’t played the required amount of games.
- [CM-606] Page crashes when trying to delete an online registration that has missed registrations.
- [CM-629] The team search does not allow you to search by keyword for All teams.
- [CM-640] Some of the the statistics shown on the dashboard are incorrect.
- [CM-641] All competitions are exported with a customer name of “Sunday Clinics” when doing an Allocation export.
- [CM-814] The court selection on the fixture screen and the court selection on the courts page are not ordered correctly.
- [CM-874] The dashboard panel shows today’s date but shows games from yesterday. (Depending on timezone)
- [CM-918] Page error when attempting to allocate a team that has re-registered but no longer exists due to a merge.
- [CM-920] Players are receiving SMS when they’ve opted out.
- [CM-922] The player count on the team details page is incorrect.
- [CM-923] The Tag Ruby Referee card printout is showing an empty match slot when there are less than 4 matches.
- [CM-941] Base64 images for email notifications are causing performance issues.
- [CM-945] Financial Resets are showing up as “Competition Payments” in all the payment exports.
- [CM-946] Custom questions/add-ons are lost in the “Player Registration Report” when those players are in teams that have been transferred to another competition.
- [SPOR-133] Inactive teams should be hidden in Sportfix.
- [SPOR-151] Team Members should not be able to see what fellow team members have paid.
- [SPOR-153] Players can register multiple times to the same event / competition in the same team.
- [SPOR-154] The selected round for the web embed should be the next match by date not the next round.
- [SPOR-155] A page error sometimes occur when selecting a child from the drop down list to complete registration.
- [CM-885] New functionality added when adding a team so you can select whether the customer being added is a player, team admin or both.
- [CM-921] Added the Team Id to the team list and team export.
- [CM-925] Added the ability to disconnect a stripe account.
- [CM-927] Added the Event/Competition name to the online payments export.
- [CM-928] Updated the team registration list to include the mobile number, and if no mobile number exists to include the home phone.
- [CM-929] Added the ability to hide teams that you do not want to allocate into a competition.
- [CM-930] Added functionality so that competitions can be automatically removed from the web once a season is made inactive.
- [CM-936] Added a player status change (Active, Inactive, Suspended, Banned) history log.
- [CM-937] Added a warning label when viewing participants that are suspended or banned in any of their associated teams.
- [CM-944] Added the Event/Competition name to the all payments export.
- [SPOR-50] Improved the process to register and activate a Sportfix account.
- [SPOR-58] Improved the process when accepting a Sportfix invitation to manage details online.
- [SPOR-94] Improved the process when accepting a Sportfix invitation to join a team.
- [SPOR-146] Added functionality for teams to be able to re-register to private events.
- [SPOR-157] Added the ability for a participant to be able to pay for the registration at a later time if they select the “Pay Later” option.