Update Released 21-08-2020 v2.985

Release Notes

Bug Fixes

  • [CM-795] – The list of registered competitions and registered players shows up in a different order every time.
  • [CM-848] – The player registration rule fee is not saving decimal values.
  • [CM-849] – Page failure when connecting to VEND Point of Sale for the first time.
  • [CM-858] – Date of Birth is saving as 01/01/0001 in some scenarios.
  • [CM-864] – Irrelevant Payments menu option is showing up for the basic edition of the software.
  • [CM-865] – The Sportfix payments page crashes when Sportfix is not activated.
  • [CM-872] – The player registration fee on the events screen is rounding off decimal places.
  • [CM-873] – Team consolidation is sometimes failing.
  • [CM-879] – The online payments screen does not include payments that are completed after allocation.
  • [CM-880] – Merging customers results in a page error.
  • [SPOR-101] – When allocating a player registration. The fee added in fixi should be the agreed amount and not the fee in the division settings.
  • [SPOR-112] – The current font used on www.sportfix.net does not display properly in Firefox.
  • [SPOR-113] – There is a display issue when searching by team.
  • [SPOR-115] – If stripe is not connected free registrations should still be listed on Sportfix.
  • [SPOR-116] – If an invalid postcode is entered in FiXi a Sportfix account cannot be created.
  • [SPOR-121] – When signing in with Facebook or Google the registration page should not ask for any additional details.
  • [SPOR-122] – Incorrect password on the login form is showing an empty error message.
  • [SPOR-124] – Random errors are occurring on Sportfix.
  • [SPOR-127] – Female gender selection is not being remembered on the team details page.
  • [SPOR-130] – The tickbox to register players is not working for team admins.
  • [SPOR-131] – Old events without a player registration rule are not showing if they are $0.00 and stripe is not connected.


  • [CM-841] – Added new invitation code column to the Teams export.
  • [CM-842] – Updated SMS and Email notifications so that team admins can be selected.
  • [CM-845] – Added the ability to specify a transaction fee for both team and player registrations.
  • [CM-846] – Added the invitation code as a dynamic keyword for SMS and Email notifications.
  • [CM-847] – Updated all reports so that a team admin (if one exists) is the responsible person.
  • [CM-860] – Added new paid column to the registered competitions and registered players dialogs.
  • [CM-861] –  Updated automated swap functions so that team invitation codes are kept when completing a swap.
  • [CM-862] – Improved the user experience by displaying an error message and preventing a save action when trying to specify an online registration fee and the account is not connected to stripe.
  • [CM-863] – Improved the user experience by only displaying a stripe warning on the registration pages and not throughout the application.
  • [CM-866] – Improved the user experience when visiting the events page and Sportfix is not activated.
  • [CM-868] – Updated API to include additional endpoints.
  • [CM-877] – Added new report to print online payments.
  • [CM-878] – Added new report to print online player registrations.
  • [CM-881] – Added registrant details to the team registration report.
  • [CM-882] – Added new columns Calendar Id, HomeTeamId & AwayTeamId to the allocations export.
  • [SPOR-61] – Improved the user experience by disabling all player registration check boxes when the registration period is closed.
  • [SPOR-62] – Added a paid column to the list of registered team members in Sportfix.
  • [SPOR-97] – Added the ability to create an infinite amount of custom questions for player registrations.
  • [SPOR-103] – Added the ability to specify optional extras on the registration check out page. e.g. shirt, shorts etc.
  • [SPOR-104] – Added the ability for a fixi user to view teams & players in Sportfix.
  • [SPOR-107] – New feature to provide parents with the ability to register their children using a single Sportfix account.
  • [SPOR-111] – Added the Invitation code to the email that is sent out when a team is registered.
  • [SPOR-118] – Improved the user experience by changing the labels on the checkout page depending on whether or not there are paid player registration fees or not.